Friday, February 11, 2011

Framed Today At School

A had a (bad?) habit as a kid of taking words I'd heard adults say but didn't know the meaning of and then using them, wronglyEspecially words that sounded important, I'd co-opt for my own dramatic purposes.  This blog gets its name from a classic example - I'd heard the word SIN in church a lot and thus proclaimed that "Sin is Great."

In this entry from 3rd grade, we see I'd recently been exposed to the word "framed," which I sensed was something bad but otherwise didn't understand.  You can actually see I was self conscious about not knowing the meaning since I first wrote down "Dear Diary, I was framed today at school."  But then I vigorously erased that and wrote instead "I think I was framed today at school."

In other news, _____________ is so cute, nice, sexy, gets good grades.

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