Thursday, November 18, 2010

Early slut shaming, TV crushes, and other things that are "so cool"

Ah yes, the "imodest brat" on my AYSO team.  Her name was Shayla and she wore a hot pink leopard print sorts bra to every practice, which was bananas to me because I didn't even wear a jog bra at age 9. 

Then of course we get into my continued run down of which boys I think are cute - in this edition, an older boy is "sorta cute" but not as cute as "the first king in the Christmas Pagent (sic)."  Doogie Houser gets a shout out (an early flash of my total lack of gaydar), and of course Zach Morris from Saved by the Bell, who I call "Mark Paul." 

But for me it all comes back to "I love passing notes and soccer is so cool."  That so aptly sums up my state of mind as a fourth grader in south OC in 1993.  At that point, I had no doubt that I would grow up to be beautiful and smart and marry a rich man and have lots of children.  This was before I knew I was at least partially on Doogie Houser's team.

And for what it's worth, I still like passing notes and still think soccer is cool.  Non ironically.  I really love soccer.

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